Contact the Hiking Coordinator here. OCEY has an account with Ride with GPS. You can find out about accessing OCEY's rides and hikes under Member's area. The Outdoor Club of East York offers hikes and walks year-round including day trips; weekend trips; and multi-day events mainly in Ontario but also in other provinces and even other countries. Depending on the hike expect awesome scenery, perhaps a bit of history; sometimes an included local special event; plus you may be visiting new and exciting areas. Our trips are geared to all levels from beginner to something more challenging both in Toronto and along wilderness trails. Hiking Activities December to March – a morning walk each week from a subway station, generally with a coffee stop. There will also be a few full day hikes and evening walks. April to November – a morning walk each week in the GTA, generally with a coffee stop. One or two full day hikes on the Bruce Trail, Oak Ridges Trail and other trails each week. There may be the occasional evening walk with a pub stop as well. Also weekend and multi-day out of town hiking events, generally 1 or 2 per month both in Ontario and further afield. These hiking events to exciting destinations provide excellent value and are very popular often filling up quickly. Hiking Levels With all hiking trips if you are unsure from the trip description on our website please contact the organizer if you have any questions. All descriptions will list a hiking level: Easy – these are city walks and some out of town hikes with easier terrain. You will walk at a relaxed pace, often spending time to look at things of interest along the route. Distances are shorter, not more than 10-12 kms. They are suitable for beginners. Moderate – these hikes cover longer distances, in the range of 12 – 15 km. You will walk at a steady pace, with fewer stops. Expect some rough or steep sections. They require a reasonable level of fitness and stamina and are suitable for those with some hiking experience. Strenuous – these hikes cover longer distances, generally over 15 km. You will walk at a steady pace with few stops. Expect rougher terrain, lots of hills, and a faster pace. They require a good level of fitness and stamina and are suitable for experienced hikers. | Upcoming events