Do I need to live in East York to become a member?
Absolutely not! We have members from all across the GTA and further afield.
Can I try out the club to see if I will like it?
Yes. Non-members may attend as guests on a maximum of 2 events. After that, if you wish to continue participating in club events, it is expected that you will join the club.
Can I take my young children on trips?
We are happy to have families take part in any suitable event; however, please discuss details with your trip organizer as the final decision will be made at their discretion.Can I take my dog on trips?
Generally no, but you may discuss it with your trip organizer as the final decision will be made at their discretion.
What are the Club's membership demographics?
We have members in all age ranges, but the majority are in the 40 to 70 age range, and single.
Where do you meet for carpooling?
It varies depending on the destination and convenience for the participants.
How much do the outings cost?
The Standard Automobile Insurance policy as legislated by the Provincial Government provides coverage for volunteer drivers. Drivers may accept reimbursement for reasonable driving expenses including fuel and vehicle wear and tear without being considered to be carrying paying passengers. NEW: The cost of gas plus 10 cents per kilometre should be shared among all the occupants of the vehicle including the driver. This guideline is based on the minimum operating cost from the CAA website and does not cover such "fixed costs" as insurance and licenses.
In the winter, when we run ski buses, the cost is the bus fare plus the trail fees at the ski centre. Multi-day trips are offered on a cost recovery basis.
Do you have non-trip activities such as social events?
We have many types of social events; theatres, musicals, operas, bookclub, bowling, restaurants and pub outings. Each year we have an annual BBQ/picnic. We also hold information meetings to promote the upcoming activities at the start of the winter program and the spring, summer & fall programs.
How do I renew online?
You should get a "renew membership" email reminding you to renew your membership.
Please ensure that your membership level (adult or family) and profile information are current (address, phone, email address, emergency contact, etc). You can change this information yourself if necessary by clicking on "Edit Profile".
What is my membership fee used for?
Membership fees are used to pay for location rentals and expenses for information nights, the Club picnic, and a volunteer appreciation event; donations to other organizations whose efforts we benefit from (e.g., ORTA trail maintenance, Bruce Trail); Ride with GPS; insurance; education and training; website, zoom and email hosting; and other administrative costs.